History of Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan

The history of the Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan is an imperious influence, and citizens and voyagers must be conscious of it when traveling. Our company may provide significant info about Kyrgyzstan's mountains and local people who are willing to maintain in touch with travelers on the tours.

For travelling in Kyrgyzstan, we got the records that we saw frequently. In the past, the legends related to the mountains were more inventive than the actual stories. The traveler Pyotr Semyonov gave the first important fact in the 19th century. As of his survey, people started to name Tienshansky. 

In order to accomplish a tour and rent a car, you are welcome to contact us via calling or writing. With the help of facts about travel, they will provide useful information about history, such as when Buddhist monk Hsuan Tsang explored the mountains in the 7th century. He renowned these high places as places covered with ice and snow. With the car rent service for a tour to Kyrgyzstan, guests will be renowned with what Marco Polo who himself did his review of Kyrgyzstan in 1273.                  

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